Bulletin Archive for August 30, 2020


Bulletin for August 30, 2020

Welcome to church! Pastor Tyler is preaching this morning, and he is continuing a look at the first five books of the old testament.

Service is at 10:30. 

Sunday School is meeting at 9:15 AM! 

Note:  There is no children's church this week because it is the 5th Sunday of the month.  

Childcare is now available again during Sunday School and church time.

Thanks to all of you for joining us online.  We are constantly working to improve our online program, and apologize for any issues you might be experiencing.  You can watch our services online at YouTube  or our Facebook page.  You can also check out a DVD of our services from our office.

Sermon Notes:
“Only a Holy God”: Part 6
The Theology of God’s Holiness in Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 5:6-8

Idolatry in the context of Old Testament Israel:

1. These commandments were not simply to be learned; they were to be obeyed.

2. Notice that before the commands are listed, God distinguishes Himself as set apart and worthy of giving these requirements.

3. Look at the first commandment in verse 7, “You shall have no other gods before me”. 

4. Look at the second commandment in verse 8, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”. 

Life Application: Idolatry in the context of New Testament Christianity:

1. What are you passionate about? (Psalm 84:2)

2. Who or what gets your affections? (1 John 2:15)

3. Where are your investments? (Matthew 6:19-21)

4. What drives your efforts? (1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17)

5. What are the priorities in your life? (Matthew 6:33)

Songs This Week:
All my Fountains
Lord I Need You
As You Find Me
I Surrender

Threads Debuted this Wednesday

Bingo was a blast!

Upcoming Events:
Garage Sale Fundraiser--We will be hosting a garage sale fundraiser for our youth.  This money helps send kids to camp (when there is no pandemics) and to other events as well.  The sale will be September 18 from 11-6 and September 19 from 8-11 AM.  If you would like to donate items it would be greatly appreciated.  Donations will be accepted on September 17 from 6-9 PM.  Contact Debbie Morgan (see below) or Sara Bouchard (620-408-9414) if you would like to donate items.  Thanks!

Attendance last week:  109
Online views last week:  168
Offering last week:  $7875.10
Online offering last month:  $9637.75

Contact FSBC Dodge City
Office hours Monday-Friday 9 AM-1 PM

Phone Number 620-227-6722

Pastor Tyler Ball
Children's Minister Debbie Morgan
Secretary Mandy Weis
Youth Pastor John Bouchard

Can we pray for you in any way?  Email or call.  You are loved!
