Bulletin Archive August 16, 2020


Bulletin for August 16, 2020

Welcome to church! Pastor Tyler will continue in a six-week sermon series on the holiness of God, as we look at the first five books of the Old Testament! 

Service is at 10:30. 

Sunday School is meeting at 9:15 AM! 

Childcare is now available again.

Thanks to all of you for joining us online.  We are constantly working to improve our online program, and apologize for any issues you might be experiencing.  You can watch our services online at YouTube  or our Facebook page.  You can also check out a DVD of our services from our office.
Don't forget to watch "Creamer with the Pastor" weekdays at 9 AM.

Sermon Notes:

Songs This Week:
Be Lifted Higher
Hallelujah for the Cross 
Glory in the highest 
Ever be

Parking Lot Project

Making our parking lot safer!  Thanks to our building and grounds team for organizing this!

Attendance last week:  121
Online views last week:  107
Offering last week:  $9349.00
Online offering last month:  $9637.75

We would like to thank National Beef of Dodge City for a very generous donation this past week.

Contact FSBC Dodge City
Office hours Monday-Friday 9 AM-1 PM

Phone Number 620-227-6722

Pastor Tyler Ball
Children's Minister Debbie Morgan
Secretary Mandy Weis
Youth Pastor John Bouchard

Can we pray for you in any way?  Email or call.  You are loved!
