Wait...we never did that before!

This past Sunday we were blessed to be able to join Pastor Tyler online.  It was a little unusual but these are unusual times.  We are working together to try to stop the spread of coronavirus.  This means things like social distancing and self-quarantining are the new norm.  I can't say that I know how long this will last, but I do salute those who are making the best of it.  Thank you to the doctors, nurses, food suppliers, and all those who are working so hard and selflessly to keep us healthy, fed, and safe during this time.
My reading this morning was from Luke 5:29-6:11.  This passage shows several examples of the religious leaders of the time trying to trap Jesus for breaking their traditions and commands.  Jesus was doing all kinds of "wrong" things...he was eating with sinners...he was eating and drinking instead of fasting...he was letting his disciples grab a snack on the Sabbath...he was healing a person on the Sabbath.  He was guilty of what I like to call "living and loving" in contradiction to the legalistic traditions of the Pharisees.  Christ was offering freedom...but the Pharisees were saying, "We never did it that way before!"

I would like to encourage you today to avoid the trap of legalism.  Whatever situation we find ourselves in, whatever method we are left with for "church", whatever happens let us join together however and whenever we can to share God's love.  If the only way we can meet is online let us meet together there joyfully and worship our awesome Creator.  The church is all of you.  Let us act in love...giving instead of hoarding, loving instead of blaming, and being joyful instead of worried!  God will see us through!
Heavenly Father, thank you!  Give us a heart to continue to have "church" during these tough times.  Lead us to love those who need You so desperately during this time.  Draw us to You.  Let Your presence surround us! 
In Jesus name,
