The Mission Field

Saul had missed the boat.  I mean, the guy was way out there in left field.  If you have never played baseball (or softball) before, you don't know what left field is all about.  Left field is where the worst player is delegated to.  I know because I have spent several seasons there.  I couldn't catch, couldn't throw, and was easily distracted by things such as butterflies or Baffin Island shaped clouds.  So they put me out in left field...because I didn't really know what I was doing.
Almost any cloud can be considered "Baffin Island" shaped

Saul, on the other hand, was out in left field.  He wasn't only not helping the team...he was intentionally trying to harm the team.  He had letters giving him the authority to arrest and even kill people who were on the team.  The team, of course, was Christianity.  Saul miraculously met God and became one of the greatest missionaries ever.  There were two kinds of people on that road though.  Saul heard Jesus and saw Him for who He was.  The people with him heard Jesus but didn't see Him.
We can be the same way.  If we only hear about Jesus then our lives aren't changed.  The people with Saul, the ones who heard the voice only but didn't see Him, probably just went on with their lives.  They weren't changed.  Saul, however, changed his name and his life.  He spent the rest of his life sharing the good news of Jesus.  How can we do any different if we have heard and seen Christ?
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will change us.  Help us to see Jesus for who He is and share that truth with everyone!  Send us into the mission field, whether that field is in our school, workplace, or the farthest points of the earth.
In Jesus name,


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