Eyes on the Prize

It was a beautiful sunset the other evening.  I took some video and snapped a few pictures.  Later, after I got them developed, I saw that the pictures looked a lot different.  They were of the exact same sky.  They were taken seconds apart.  The difference is the focus.
On the first picture, the sky looks like it actually was.  You can see the colors and the lines in the clouds and and the deep orange color.  It was how it truly looked that night.  On the second picture it looks way different because the focus was on the far fence instead of the sunset.  The beautiful sunset appears as a blur. 
If things are looking kind of blurry for you, it might be that your eyes are not on the right things.  Keep your eyes on God and what He wants you to do, and you will see things differently!
Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for sunsets.  Thank you for the beautiful things you have created.  Help us to focus our attention on Your things instead of the distractions that are thrown our way.
In Jesus name,
