Have you ever been to an auction sale? They always seem a little bit sad to me...when I see people's lives up for sale to the highest bidder. Things that you think were probably very valuable to someone often end up getting sold for next to nothing or lumped in with something else just to get rid of it. Maybe it was a handmade bowl constructed by someone's child. Perhaps it was an heirloom that had been in a family for generations. When that auctioneer's hammer falls the price is set.
I have also seen people overpay for things at an auction. If a couple of people get into a bidding war, the price can soar beyond what things are perceived to be worth. For example, a balloon dog made by artist Jeff Koons recently sold for 58 million dollars! I don't think that any balloon animals I make will receive quite that much money.
The truth of it is that things are worth as much as someone is willing to pay for them. If someone really loves something they will pay an exorbitant amount just to make sure they get it. God so loved you that he paid the ultimate price (Jesus) for you. You are worth more than anything to God. He has a free gift for you...salvation! You see, you are a sinner (Romans 3:23). Don't get mad, so am I! We are separated from God because of that sin (Romans 6:23). God sent his son to die for you (Romans 5:8). If you accept this gift you will be saved (Romans 10:9)!
Our gracious Father loves you so much that He paid the ultimate price for you. That alone tells us how valuable He thinks we are!
Heavenly Father thank you so much for considering us to be worthy of Your love! You are wonderful beyond compare! Help us to realize our worth in Your eyes everyday! In Jesus name we pray, amen!
If you are in Dodge City and would like to attend youth group with us, feel free to stop by at 3106 North 14th Avenue. We meet at 6:00 on Sunday evenings. Find out more about us here. Thanks, and God bless!
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