
One of the best things about being a Christian is that we can bring our petitions to our Heavenly Father.  Our Creator, the God who made us and knows us and loves us, is eagerly waiting to hear what we have to say.  To me it is kind of like the first Mother's Day after our daughter was born.  I took her outside and we found some dandelions.  She picked out that perfect one (I am not sure how it was different than any of the others) and plucked it.  She carried it in and gave it to my wife.  She was so thankful and so overcome with gratitude...and it was just a weed!
That is how it is with God.  We come in with our tunnel vision of what we want and He lovingly accepts our requests.  We sing praises to Him with only a minimal idea of how great He is and He inhabits our imperfect attempts.
In 1 Kings 8 (read it here) Solomon is dedicating the temple to the Lord.  He asks that when people face the temple, where the presence of God was dwelling, that God would hear and listen to the people.  We don't have to do that anymore.  The holy of holies, where God's presence resided, was separated from the people by a heavy veil.  When Jesus took our punishment on the cross the temple veil was torn.  We can go into God's presence and speak to Him.  When we are there He listens...not because of how great we are but because of how much He loves us!
Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us.  We are weeds...imperfect, sinful, and unworthy...but You treat us like roses made of gold.  Thank you for accepting our prayers, in Jesus name!
