The First Relationship

This past week at youth group we talked about the very first relationship ever.  It certainly wasn't Brangelina.  It wasn't Romeo and Juliet.  It wasn't Samson and Delilah.  It wasn't Adam and Eve.  The first relationship was between God and the humans He created.
It is amazing to think of God forming man in His image and then breathing into him.  God created man and woman to have a relationship with Him.  Then something bad happened.  The man and woman that God created turned their back on Him.  God would have been perfectly justified in just wiping out humanity and starting all over, but that wasn't His plan.  He wanted to restore humanity and give us the opportunity to have that relationship with Him again.  God wanted so badly to fix what humans had destroyed that He sent His only son to die for us.  Talk about love!
God desperately wants to have a relationship with you.  If you let Him, He will forgive you and cleanse you from your sins.  In doing this, you will fix the most important broken relationship in your life!
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for creating us.  Thank you for wanting to have a relationship with us.  Please breathe your life into us again, just like you did for Adam.
