Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hi there.  It is St. Patrick's day, so I thought I would give you a little history behind the patron saint of Ireland.
There are a lot of legends about St. Patrick...including that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland.  This doesn't seem very likely because back in the 5th century people didn't even have cars.  What we do know is that St. Patrick was born near the end of the 4th century to wealthy parents.  When he was 16, Patrick was taken prisoner by some raiders from Ireland.  He was taken to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity.  He worked as a shepherd for his captors, and it was during this period that he began to take solace in his Christian faith.
Around the age of 22, Patrick escaped.  He claimed to have heard God's voice in a dream telling him to leave Ireland.  He found his way back to Britain, but his heart ached to be a missionary to the Irish people.  Patrick studied the Christian faith for more than 15 years and became ordained as a priest.  He then returned to Ireland to minister to the Christians there and to win converts.

I think that too often we look around at the people and situations in our lives and think that there is no hope.  Maybe your school, home, or where you work is filled with people who don't seem to appreciate you...or dislike you...or worse...abuse you.  In those times, it is important to look at the situation though God's eyes.  That is what Patrick did.  Instead of hating those who had kidnapped and enslaved him he longed to introduce them to the one thing that was sustaining him...Jesus Christ.  As you go through life you should always try to consider the world around you as a mission field.  There are lost people everywhere and even if they are not being "nice" to you they still need to know about Jesus.
Father God, I pray for each person who reads this blog.  May they realize how much you love them and how great your love is for all mankind.  Help us all to reach a lost and dying world for You.  Amen
Fire Student Ministries Youth Group meets Sunday evenings at 6:30 at the First Southern Baptist Church in Dodge City.  Come check us out.  First Southern Baptist Church is located at 3106 North 14th Avenue.
